Graduate Thesis Blog

Documenting grad school life and my thesis progress

Recap: iCare: Designing Healing Futures Workshop at the University of Toronto

“The Internet is a giant mental network. In theory, it would be possible to create a miniature version of the web by creating one node with some content (an idea, a thought) and to ask people to create a branch of that node with a label of their own—based on what the initial node made them think about. People would keep on adding nodes, which would create interesting stories, like a non-linear cadavre exquis.”  Anne-Laure Le Cunff (2020)

DH Toolbox Recap: Networks, Databases, and Collective Memories: A Look at Digitized Diasporic Memory

Master's Thesis Defence Video

Call For Participants | Digitized Diaspora Memory

Ignacio Gatica - Stones Above Diamond

“Stones Above Diamonds” Gallery Visit | Independent Study Reflection #2 (part 2)

Screenshot of Logseq Prototype

Cheap and Cheerful Prototype: The Diaspora's Second Brain | Independent Study Experiment #2 (part 1)

Miming Interactivity in 10 Ways | Independent Study Experiment #1

Colloquium Presentation Video

Thesis Proposal 2.0 Word Document

Thesis Proposal Video 2.0 | Thesis I

STFU! | A Playful Misuse of the Jitsi Meeting Space

Open-Source Storytelling: Leveraging User-Generated + Open-Source Tools for Independent Diaspora Media

Thesis Proposal Video 1 | Thesis I

In My Tongue webdoc

In My Tongue: Behind The Webdoc

The Skin I Live and (Virtually) Play In

Final Presentation | Interactive Documentary

The Space Between Us Title Card

The Space Between Us | Mozilla Hubs Experience Writeup

A collection of news headlines covering incidents of hair discrimination in Canada, the United States, and South Africa

Online Natural Hair Groups as Sites of Afro Cyber Resistance | Digital Theory Paper

Mid-Term Review of Work in Progress | Interactive Documentary

Presentation of Technologies | Interactive Documentary

Bitsy game, introspection

Game Sketch on Bitsy | introspection

Digital to Physical Game: Pokémon Go


Game Making Tool Research: Bitsy

Interactive Documentary | Initial Presentation of Ideas

Experiment 5 — Related Works: PREMIUM CONNECT (2017)

Experiment 5: The Emoting Lamps

Experiment 4 — Related Works: Crown Heights Mic (2013)

Experiment 4: Beacons

Experiment 3 — Related Works: StoryBeads (2013)

Experiment 3: Footwork

Experiment 2 — Related Works: trinity suite (2011-2015)

Experiment 2: CandyDrop – The Arduino Candy Dispenser

Experiment 1: Screwed Body Reverberations

Image of people in a room with media equipment. A person is dancing on a green screen, while others look on.

Experiment 1 — Related Works: LEVEL UP: The Real Harlem Shake (2015)

Toronto sign

My Experience Applying to Grad School at OCAD University: Tips and Tricks (Portfolio Included)